The class was absolutely amazing and I love the way the curriculum is taught and I also love how the course stays on topic and mindful of time! I’m happy that I decided to register for this and know I’ll be a better therapist. It was just so fabulous and I feel like I got such a wealth of information.
Carrie Jacobs, Psy. D

I just wanted to thank you again for everything. I had joint commission come to my door at the VA this week; The woman asked me if I had a specialty and I told her I am the LGBT VCC. She was intrigued. I told her about our program, what I do, and my certification. She put me on the agenda and came to spend time with me. Not to audit, but to learn. She took notes and was so thrilled by my knowledge, especially in transgender care. I explained about the ITCA program, showed her the WPATH standards of care, and emphasized consistent, insistent, and persistent. She wants to bring some of this knowledge forward to struggling organizations.
In the end, we got a glowing review because of ME!!! LOL, and I owe that to YOU!! Thank you for the program and your continued support!! ❤
Lori K. Hall, Psy.D.

The practical information about needs and medical interventions was massively helpful. I have a much better idea of what questions to ask, how to support / guide through various processes.
Bente Sterrett

It's great that it that there was an option to take this comprehensive course. I liked that I felt the course was in a professional and inclusive environment, with best speakers and faculty. The Panels were phenomenal. Well organized and detailed with wealth of information and a plethora of valuable Resources and Support.
Nora Sahly

I learned how to competently and confidently work with transgender individuals who struggle with gender dysphoria. I learned about the transition process, the importance of not making assumptions, the right questions to ask, the importance of collaborating with other professionals, and providing proper referrals for additional support. Additionally, I learned how to write and what to include in carry letter and Gender Affirming Surgery letters.
Elnaz Mayeh

This will change how I practice as it will make me more aware and understanding of the transition process as well as how to appropriately treat and address transgender individuals. It has taught me as well how to be an advocate and in what areas I can work on promoting and creating more access to transgender care.
Calista Naismith, PT, BSc, MScPT, PgCSH, ACC

The training was very informative, interesting, and will certainly promote my ability to work with the transgender community. I feel that much more competent to work with the transgender community and regret not taking this training sooner.
Heather Coll