Who We Are
ITCA recognizes that the Gender Diverse, Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming and Non-Binary Communities have long been under-served by the Community at large and particularly by health care providers. Additionally, there has been limited research and training of providers in this field of transgender health care. ITCA is committed in advancing the field of transgender health care by providing training to a diverse group of professionals and community supporters from all around the world. We hope to enhance the lives of the TGD people in all cultural places and settings through education to the professionals that support them.
This training began development in 2010. The concept was to create a training to introduce and educate on the expansiveness of gender. We were established in 2012, and became the FIRST Training Program created to specifically certify Therapists and Professionals to work with Gender Expansive Populations.
Our Idea
The idea to create this training was inspired through a conversation between a cis-gender female therapist, Dr. Carol Clark, and an influential transgender woman, Jessica Lam. Passionate to make this training a reality, they assembled a “dream team” of like-minded professionals to the Board. Our Board Members were known experts in their fields, with decades of experience working with Gender Diverse Communities. This newly founded Board collaborated and established the Transgender Certification Program. The focus of which would expand the existing network of service providers.
Currently, there are still too few therapists, physicians, and other healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about the Transgender Community, and even less who are willing to treat them. It is for this reason that ITCA offers educational trainings and aims to diversify the network by creating resources needed to support this diverse population of individuals throughout the world.
Our mission continues to be in providing education, training, and certification for the delivery of professional, ethical, and knowledgeable care to the Gender Diverse Community.

Our Program
The curriculum began with a 2011 study by Gary Gates of the Williams Institute which estimated that 0.3% of adults in the United States are transgender. In other words, 1 in every 300 people may need guidance or counseling at some time to address gender dysphoria or other challenges or co-occurring issues stemming from a struggle with gender identity or expression.
More recent studies have brought the Gender Diverse population total to .5 and .6% of adults and still climbing, (to almost 1% of our world’s population). Additionally, we are seeing an increasing number of younger and more diverse populations emerging. These populations growing more at-risk, due to the lack of education and mis-information that is currently available to the general public and through anti-legislation.
The Transgender Certification Association recognizes that every individual’s journey requires experienced professionals and para-professionals to facilitate decisions about life choices.
Our Board has developed a very thorough curriculum, which has expanded over the years. Our goal is to keep current with the needs of this ever-changing population. The International Transgender Certification Association is among the leading Transgender Educational Programs currently available. We are proud to be making a difference in breaking through the barriers and providing much needed support to health care providers and professionals serving the Gender Expansive Communities.
Our Goals
- Focus on improving service delivery to gender diverse, transgender, and gender non-conforming communities by advancing the field of transgender health care.
- Ensuring quality care and services with education and certifying healthcare professionals and community providers.
- Maintaining consistent standards of care by providing a network of highly qualified experts in the field of transgender health.
Our Values
- We acknowledge the contributions that professional staff and volunteers make to our success.
- We believe in the development, ongoing training, participation in the decision making process, and recognition of accomplishments.
- We uphold integrity and the highest ethical standards.
- We collaborate with our community partners to achieve our collective goals.
- We promote equality as a universal right.